Access to the UAE market (agri-food markets)

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Access to the UAE market (agri-food markets)

  • On 3 March 2022, the veterinary service of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) informed the Chief Veterinary Inspectorate in Poland of the approval of the new designs:
    • health certificates for meat and meat products exported to the United Arab Emirates
    • health certificates for table eggs and egg products exported to the United Arab Emirates.
  • The new model certificates will be used from that date for the export of red meat and its products, as well as heat-processed meat and egg products to the Emirati market.
  • Due to the current ban on the export of poultry meat, poultry meat products and table eggs and non-heat-processed egg products from the entire territory of Poland to the Emirati market resulting from the epizootic situation regarding highly pathogenic avian influenza, the UAE authorities have informed that the export of the above-mentioned range of products to this market will only be possible (using the above-mentioned model certificates) after Poland regains its HPAI-free status.
  • The new model certificates are available on the official website of the Chief Veterinary Inspectorate at: and from district veterinarians.

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