
"Encounters with Polish Beef"

“Project financed by the Beef Promotion Fund”.


Business Etiquette (Taiwan) (2)

Formal and social receptions:  Dress code: Source: Business Etiquette in International Contacts, op. prof. Jerzy Schroeder, Wena, Poznań 2018,ędzynarodowych.pdf

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Business Etiquette (Taiwan) (1)

Making appointments:  Greeting and titling:  Source: Business etiquette in international contacts, op. prof. Jerzy Schroeder, Wena, Poznań 2018,ędzynarodowych.pdf

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Beef market

Polish beef exports

  • The export destinations of Polish beef are mainly the EU-27: 316 588 tonnes, representing an 85% share of exports. Non-EU countries account for 55,025 tonnes, representing a 15% share of exports.
  • The largest recipients of Polish beef are: Italy (73 933 tonnes – 20% share), Germany (69 130 tonnes -19% share, the Netherlands (32 852 tonnes – 9% share), Spain (23 852 tonnes – 6% share), France (23 590 tonnes – 6% share).

Major customers for Polish beef in 2021

  • Due to the stabilised production of beef in Poland in recent years (2017-2021) and the stabilisation of exports at around 380,000 tonnes (per year), around 180,000 tonnes remain on the market in Poland, which means potential opportunities for increasing exports.

Production and export of beef in Poland in the years 2012-2021 (in thousand tonnes)

  • The hope for an increase in meat production (including beef) in 2022 is provided by the results of the livestock survey carried out by the CSO in December 2021. These showed increases in calves and cattle aged 1-2 years. However, due to the length of the production cycle, any increase in cattle supply will have to wait.

"Project funded by the Beef Promotion Fund"


South Korea


United Arab Emirates