Taiwan’s economy – characteristics (2)

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Taiwan’s economy – characteristics (2)

  • Agriculture accounts for a negligible portion of Taiwan’s exports (agriculture’s share of GDP was 1.6% in 2018). Rice, sweet potatoes, corn, peanuts, sugar cane, tropical fruits, vegetables, soybeans and tea are the most widely grown crops. Areca palm nuts, known as betel (a popular stimulant in Taiwan), are also a profitable group of agricultural products.

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Business Etiquette (Taiwan) (2)

Formal and social receptions:  Dress code: Source: Business Etiquette in International Contacts, op. prof. Jerzy Schroeder, Wena, Poznań 2018, https://www.wfr.org.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Etykieta-biznesu-w-kontaktach-międzynarodowych.pdf

Business Etiquette (Taiwan) (1)

Making appointments:  Greeting and titling:  Source: Business etiquette in international contacts, op. prof. Jerzy Schroeder, Wena, Poznań 2018, https://www.wfr.org.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Etykieta-biznesu-w-kontaktach-międzynarodowych.pdf