Poland-Taiwan trade exchange

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  • Poland is not among Taiwan’s most important European trading partners.
  • With a turnover of $1653 million, Poland ranked 35th among Taiwan’s total foreign trade partners in 2021.
  • In 2021, Polish exports to Taiwan accounted for the largest share:
    • machinery industry products (18.5%)
    • Electronics industry products (17.7% of total exports), 
    • Food and other products of animal and plant origin
  • Exports of food products seem to have potential for further growth – especially since in recent years selected food market products like apples have been admitted to the Taiwanese market. Efforts are also underway to admit Polish highbush blueberries to the Taiwanese market.

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Business Etiquette (Taiwan) (2)

Formal and social receptions:  Dress code: Source: Business Etiquette in International Contacts, op. prof. Jerzy Schroeder, Wena, Poznań 2018, https://www.wfr.org.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Etykieta-biznesu-w-kontaktach-międzynarodowych.pdf

Business Etiquette (Taiwan) (1)

Making appointments:  Greeting and titling:  Source: Business etiquette in international contacts, op. prof. Jerzy Schroeder, Wena, Poznań 2018, https://www.wfr.org.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Etykieta-biznesu-w-kontaktach-międzynarodowych.pdf