Business Etiquette (Taiwan) (1)

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Making appointments: 

  • Local personal contacts arę helpful in establishing business relationships
  • Apriĺ – September is the best time for business contacts 
  • It is a good idea to send your proposals before the visit so that our partner can get̨ with theḿ. 
  • Foreign businessmen are expected̨ to be punctual, hence lateness of more than 10 minutes should be warned́ by phone.

Greeting and titling: 

  • A nod may bé enough if you are meeting someoné for the first time.
  • A typical Asian handshake is gentle and lasts 10-12 seconds, sometimes using both hands
  • Academic titles are highly respected in Taiwan
  • In the case of persons without professional titles, usé the form “Mr.”, “Mrs.” or “Miss” together with the surname 
  • The business card̨ should be handed with both hands (one side of the business card should bé printed in Mandarin and preferably with gold letters) and should not be hiddeń in a wallet placed in the back pocket of the pants
  • Exchanging business cards in Taiwan is very common, so be sure to stocḱ yourself̨ with an adequate number of theḿ becausė arriving at a meeting without business cards can meań a lack of professionalism. 

Source: Business etiquette in international contacts, op. prof. Jerzy Schroeder, Wena, Poznań 2018,ędzynarodowych.pdf

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Business Etiquette (Taiwan) (2)

Formal and social receptions:  Dress code: Source: Business Etiquette in International Contacts, op. prof. Jerzy Schroeder, Wena, Poznań 2018,ędzynarodowych.pdf

Business Etiquette (Taiwan) (1)

Making appointments:  Greeting and titling:  Source: Business etiquette in international contacts, op. prof. Jerzy Schroeder, Wena, Poznań 2018,ędzynarodowych.pdf