SWOT analysis of the Polish beef market (2)

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SWOT analysis of the Polish beef market (1)


  • price competitiveness on the EU market and in third countries;
  • the potential for domestic beef consumption;
  • Opportunities to support beef and veal livestock production;
  • strong export potential;
  • exploiting the potential of producers giving up milk production (feed base, knowledge, buildings);
  • efforts to integrate the various actors in the supply chain;
  • contracting of beef livestock production;
  • innovation activities in the sector;
  • advice on sustainable cattle production, including nutritional advice;
  • increasing the use of domestic protein availability for feed purposes


  • the sector’s dependence on international markets;
  • high bargaining power of retail chains;
  • low prices for other types of meat (e.g. poultry);
  • lack of repeatability of the beef on offer;
  • Market opening trade agreements, e.g. TTIP, Mercosur, etc;
  • the possible occurrence of cattle diseases (e.g. BSE);
  • limited access to certain foreign markets due to trade barriers;
  • sudden changes in beef buyers’ preferences;
  • embargo caused by the political crisis in major third-country importers;
  • Increasing environmental requirements for livestock production; EU climate and air quality policy;

E Bak-Filipek, Uwarunkowania rozwoju rynku wołowiny w Polsce, SGGW Publishing House, Warsaw 2021.

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